Moving to a higher Octane like 91 or even 93 won't *damage* the motor, but it may not run as efficiently so you could lose power and your mileage may worsen. What kind of oil does a 2013 Ford Fusion take? Different Types of Gas, Explained. 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Used Ford Fusion Energi for Sale in Montreal, QC - endobj Rain-sensing windshield wipers with intermittent/speed-sensitive settings. Im an active writer on this blog myself, as well as a novice car mechanic. What type of gas should I use in a 2012 Ford Fusion? ford It's what happens when the fuel decides to blow up before the spark plugs go off. It says it can use 87, but recommends premium. 17 0 obj Same engine in my Focus ST and Premium fuel made a big difference. Ford EcoBoost engines use 3 types of advanced in-car technology (turbocharging, direct fuel injection & ti-VCT) to boost efficiency & fuel economy. Selling your car? Free CARFAX Report. A place for owners and fans of the Ford Fusion. What fuel is recommended for my vehicle? - Ford Motor Company Thank you for writing in. x[[o8~Gi&J`4qf6Ef\Iu-$+#;}xz>-[Ov%7jzxZl?oj)0?>38S2;>b$p)iG _$I4/o"o2T4j |MD$xO3b*RM#;O4,:7rgff46sC9e n fq4eaN>2xzqFEUSfa0{T4OLM9XYsJZQm%d%?'-aq, x , 2016 Ford Fusion Technical Specifications, ford-automotive-products:fna/us/cars/fusion/2016-ford-fusion. Similarly, the SE w/eco boost uses premium unleaded gasoline only. 557 0 obj This website is administered by Oak Ridge National Laboratory for the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. endobj Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. This fuel is compatible with diesel engines, and as Ford Fusion does not come in diesel, it should not be used in your car engine. Octane is basically the resistance of the fuel to detonation, which is also called knock. $28,999 * + taxes GREAT DEAL. I have the 2.0 and only now am questioning whether I should be going with something other than regular 87. 2020 Ford Fusion Energi Plug-in Hybrid 4 cyl, 2.0 L, Automatic (variable gear ratios) Elec+Gas. 50 %. It seems that the Fusion is able to make use of higher octane gas, but Im not sure you will see a huge benefit not enough to justify the extra cost at least. 2023 Suppose you are not sure whether your vehicle is Flex-Fuel capable or not. Your Your little bundle of joy has grown up and on the cusp of entering adulthood. 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, 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, 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Kelly Blue Book RetailPrice $19,549. I heard the engine has to retard timing to avoid knock at 87 octane. When equipped with the 1.5-liter engine, the 2015 Ford Fusion useS4.1 liters (4.4 quarts) of 5W-20 oil. Audio controls and cruise controls on steering wheel. 1 0 obj endobj What is my vehicle's fuel tank capacity? <>/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]/Parent 2 0 R/Resources<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]>>/StructParents 2/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> YourMechanic All rights reserved. The 2015 Ford Fusion runs on full synthetic SAE 5W-20 type motor oil. combined. Click here to download the app for Android or iOS. The most common type of fuel gas in current use is natural gas. This article about energy, its collection, its distribution, or its uses is a stub. Engine: Intercooled Turbo Premium Unleaded I-4 2.0 L/122. [556 0 R 561 0 R 562 0 R 562 0 R 562 0 R 562 0 R 562 0 R 562 0 R 562 0 R 563 0 R 566 0 R 568 0 R 569 0 R 572 0 R 573 0 R 575 0 R 576 0 R 579 0 R 580 0 R 582 0 R 583 0 R 586 0 R 587 0 R 589 0 R 590 0 R 591 0 R 592 0 R 593 0 R 594 0 R 596 0 R 599 0 R 600 0 R 601 0 R 602 0 R 603 0 R] MPGe. <> To be very clear though, regular fuel is 100% acceptable and you won't hurt anything by using it. You might see slightly increased MPG and might notice a performance bump with using premium. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Combined gas mileage: 6 L/100km Fuel type: Gasoline Interior colour: Brown (Beige) Transmission: Automatic Mileage: 107,987 . Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. GetUpside is a free-to-use cashback app for US gas stations. No. does not research or authenticate any of the Answers provided. The fusion, focus, 5oo, mustang v-6 and mustang GT are all designed with the use of 87 octane fuel. I just looked, Ill be damned. Certified Pre-Owned 2020 Ford Fusion Titanium AWD Car 4 2 0 obj The Fusion was the first production car to feature the "new face of Ford" three-bar grille. Lower fuel efficiency than other hybrid vehicles. This could possibly be a fuel injector fault. A faulty control valve may arise. What kind of gas does a 2016 Ford Fusion SE take? From 2013 regular unleaded gasoline increased its ethanol blend from 10% to 15% in regular Ford Fusion engines. Combined MPG on Gas Only: 42. These retailers sell gasoline with a high percentage of cleaning agents and are therefore promoted by most car makers. Do not ever use diesel or E85 in Your fusion because it can damage the engine as well as the fuel system. Oil type for 2013 ford fusion Updated - Engine Oil Capacity Search pre-owned Ford Fusion Energi listings to find the best Montreal, QC deals. Gas Mileage of 2019 Ford Fusion - Fuel Economy I recommend always getting the highest octane fuel that You can afFord to run. Hey everyone, I just bought a 2019 Ford Fusion 1.5 ecoboost engine and I was reading the manual and it was saying my car is designed to run with 87 octane but if you keep reading it also tells you for best overall vehicle and engine performance, premium fuel with an octane rating of 91 or higher is recommended. (Answered), Ford Fusion Hybrid: All Common Problems You Should Know, Ford Fusion Transmissions: Overview, Problems, Fluids,,,,,,,,,,,,, Premium gives a far better fuel economy, about 15 to 20 percent more kms. Ford recommends that you use nothing lower than 87 octane gasoline. Seeing as you have a turbo car, and modern sensors and fuel maps are pretty good, I probably wouldn't run more than one grade below the recommendation until about 6500 or 7000 feet. Flat rate pricing based on labor time and parts, Hand-picked, community-rated professionals, Trusted mechanics, rated by thousands of happy car Having the fuel burn efficiently is the key to maximizing Your miles per gallon. From my limited knowledge, high octane will reduce the chance of knock when using higher boost but I doubt it makes a big difference with the stock tune and pressure. After the initial jump, the acceleration feels more leisurely, so drivers have to consider this aspect of the powertrain when accelerating to merge onto the highway or make a quick pass. Horsepower. You will come into problems at some point. 231 hp @ 5500 rpm. Ford Fusion Hybrid: Everything You Need to Know - Car and Driver I just noticed on r/Ford someone mention using premium with the ecoboost engine. For all model years of the Ford Fusion, its advised you shy away from using metallic/silicon-based additives in your gasoline. We can help you calculate and track your fuel economy. 9 Used Ford Fusion for Sale in Shiloh, IL | Auffenberg Dealer Group Graduating is a milestone, and you want to reward their hard work and show how proud you are. The SYNC 3 is intuitive, while the knobs are well-placed for simplified controls. Browse Ford Fusion vehicles in Rock Hill, SC for sale on, with prices under $19,960. I would get 2-3mpg better full tank average and the power increase was noticeable, especially in the summer heat. Used 2017 Ford Fusion Titanium Specs & Features | Edmunds Additional fuel gases obtained from natural gas or petroleum: One of the earliest uses was gas lighting, which enabled the widespread adoption of streetlamps and the illumination of buildings in towns. Please see our. 6-Speed Automatic. Another frequently asked question is whether the Fusion Hybrid is a good car. Wondering how much the Ford Fusion Hybrid costs? Ford Fusion comes in different tank sizes in various trim levels, but all lie in the range of 13.5 gallons to 18 gallons. Vehicles produce about half of the greenhouse gases from a typical U.S. household. null Navigation with voice control functionality is also included. city/highway. I want to put a straight pipe with no muffler on my 2005 Chevy Silverado and keep the catalytic converter, Engine burning too much oil? 30 0 obj The easiest way to buy the right kind of gasoline is to buy it from a TOP TIER retailer. The Fusion was available in S, SE, and SEL trims. Customers are invited to participate in a survey administered by MaritzCX, an independent, third-party supplier. Currently, fuel gases, especially syngas, are used heavily for the production of ammonia for fertilizers and for the preparation of many detergents and specialty chemicals.[1]. It may also be used gas heaters, camping stoves, and even to power vehicles, they have high calorific value. endobj For reference, one hour of cooking time on a canister fuel stove will cost you about $6.00, while an hour of cooking time on white gas is closer to $1.50 and other liquid fuels may be even less. It sounds like you need to replace the thermostat housing, and possibly the thermostat as well. Save $6,574 on a used Ford Fusion Energi near you. There are a number of things that may cause a rough idle. <>stream if i remember right it is like 109 octane or something. Call 833-240-8331 for more information. According to U.S. News, Edmunds, MotorTrend, and, the answer is yes, thanks to its sporty features and intuitive infotainment package. 2019 Ford Fusion Energi Titanium FWD . I live in the Texas heat so it sounds like it would benefit me? The best type of gas to put in your vehicle is whatever octane level your car's owner's manual specifies. 614 0 obj A user-friendly and intuitive infotainment setup. magreca. %PDF-1.5 % Removing the muffler will not decrease the horsepower, but instead it will create less back pressure on the engine, making the engine breathe a little more. This is just the tip of the iceberg. application/pdf Search pre-owned 2015 Ford Fusion listings to find the best Montreal, QC deals. 2004 Nissan Murano CVT transmission problems, replace right front axel boots assembly 2007 lexus es 350, A Buyers Guide to the 2012 Toyota Venza, A Buyers Guide to the 2012 Lexus LS 600h L, The Best Used Cars to Buy For a Graduation Gift. Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry,, This page was last edited on 5 January 2023, at 08:08. I guess my question is, is it worth it and will there be a big difference? Combined MPG on Electricity: 103. . Most fuel gases are composed of hydrocarbons (such as methane or propane), hydrogen, carbon monoxide, or mixtures thereof. Reg. A rough idle can be caused by many things. Has no leaks at all. endobj What to Buy: Subaru Crosstrek or Subaru Forester? 275 lb-ft @ 3000 rpm. . <> PDF 2020 Ford Fusion Technical Specifications Discounts $3,078. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Fuel Type: Gasoline. 2015-08-11T15:35:33-04:00 Gas stations in America sell three different grades of gasoline based on their octane level: Regular (the lowest octane fuel) Midgrade (the middle range octane fuel) Premium/Super (the highest octane fuel) Another type of fuel you might have seen at the gas pump is diesel fuel. Ford Fusion Hybrid: Everything You Need to Know, Your Privacy Choices: Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads. <> Do not use fuel-grade ethanol (the standard ethanol mix found at most gas stations is fine). Also read: Ford Fusion Transmissions: Overview, Problems, Fluids. 2015-08-12T09:58:00.65-04:00 $17,959. explains that the Fusion Hybrid has been part of the Ford lineup for more than a decade. The The 2012 Toyota Venza offers the best combination of the SUV and a sedan. When compared to competitors, the Fusion Hybrid isn't quite as efficient and doesn't have as much cargo space. A place for owners and fans of the Ford Fusion. The 2014 Ford Fusion uses regular unleaded gasoline with an octane rating of 87 or higher. Power Options:--Exterior Color: Follow us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and TikTok, How Many Miles Can A Ford Fusion Last? Cannot really say there was a noticeable power difference. endobj The gas cap can become stuck and will be quite a hassle to deal with. Horsepower. A new turbocharged 2 engine was included on the 2014 Ford Fusion SE and the standard engine on the 2014 Ford Fusion Titanium.There is a 240 horsepower four- cylinder engine available in this car.Even with this powerful engine, the driver can still get 23 city / 33 highway 26 combined fuel efficiencies. Some 2010 2015 models are also compatible with E-85, which contains 85% ethanol. . However, not all types of gas are the same. Hi! $20,495. 18 0 obj The trims introduced in 2013 offers 13.5 gallons only, while every other trim offers 14 gallons. 2023 Vehicle History Inc. All Rights Reserved. CHECK AVAILABILITY. . Want to save money on gasoline? Furthermore, these products dont contain metallics or silicon and are guaranteed to not void any warranty. Gas. Free shipping for many products! Its the best option if you cant fill up with TOP TIER gas in the first place. This suite of safety features includes: According to Edmunds, within the cabin of the Fusion Hybrid, seating features include a 10-way power driver's seat with an adjustable lumbar, a four-way power-adjustable passenger seat, and a 60/40 split-folding rear seat. <>/Metadata 614 0 R/Pages 2 0 R/StructTreeRoot 25 0 R/Type/Catalog>> The price does align well with most similar electric and hybrid models. Ford Fusion could not handle oxygenated blends in the first year of making in 2006. It's what happens when the fuel decides to blow up before the spark plugs go off. MaritzCX moderates public reviews to ensure they contain content that meet Review guidelines, such as: No Profanity or inappropriate defamatory remarks, No Personal Identifying information (e.g., customer phone number or email), No Competitor references (e.g., another brand or dealership), Dangerous behavior (e.g. MPGe. Octane is basically the resistance of the fuel to detonation, which is also called knock. 2016 FORD FUSION TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS EPA-ESTIMATED FUEL ECONOMY* 2.5-liter I-4, six-speed automatic 22 mpg city, 34 mpg highway, 26 mpg combined 1.5-liter EcoBoost, six-speed automatic 23 mpg city, 36 mpg highway, 28 mpg combined 1.5-liter EcoBoost, six-speed automatic with Auto Start Stop 25 mpg city, 37 mpg highway, 29 mpg combined Ford Fusion (Americas) - Wikipedia The Questions and Answers on this page are the statements and opinions of their respective authors and not The standard entertainment features include a nine-speaker audio system with satellite radio, two 4.2-inch configurable LCD displays, an 8-inch touchscreen with Ford's SYNC 3 infotainment, and FordPass Connect. Some of the most notable changes to the 2020 version include forward collision alert with automatic emergency braking as standard, as well as the availability of Android Auto and Apple CarPlay smartphone integration. Fuel octane in the FUSION - Ford Fusion Forums