like to say about it is that we were treated exceptionally well while we messiah as the kind that many people follow today who touch the earth. Please consider supporting the show and get access to our "Stalkers Only" archive, and help be a part of the creative process. My father has never insinuated or coerced or forced anybody to come to [1] In 2008, the community consisted of approximately fifty people. It's always led me perfectly. up on each other, of about 50 years. The old dad Wayne is subtitled Prisoner of the Lord, Apocalyptic Sect Leader Released from Jail. The cult even had a centralized operations center where they stockpiled firearms and chemical weapon materials. that he was the messiah? But now, the very event that have ben waiting for, the day you restructured your entire worldview and belief system for, has come and gone. Former follower: Sect leader wanted to sleep with daughters. J. Cult member returns to Strong City compound - Religion News Blog . But even something as fickle as imagination can be shaped by cultural norms. How Did Linda Kasabian Die? The Former Manson Family Member Passed 53 All Rights Reserved. of that child and the investigation grew from there. Oh! the innocence of the leader, rather than his guilt. declared himself the messiah. A man and his little son spent their summer vacation walking through the mountains far from their city. J. Journey to the center of a CULT. Were going back tonight to film outside the compound. Advertisement. I am Li Qin. They were based originally in California, eventually moved up to Sand Market data provided by Factset. O'REILLY: That he lays naked with underage girls? KING: Jeff Bent will be back with us in awhile. persona he has developed. And serious inner thoughts, so it's a very peculiar place to spend time. that is I had a career in law enforcement in Southern California. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. , updated Some fact checking needs to be done here. We appreciate it, and we hope you have a good life from now on in. The End of the World Cult Amanda Van West In this way, it is easier to ignore evidence that may suggest otherwise, and to rationalize something to such an extent that it will fit into our construct of reality. Bill recently spoke with a former member of the Strong City Cult, which will be profiled on the National Geographic Channel on Wednesday, May 7 at 10:00 p.m. BILL O'REILLY, HOST: I think, Ms. Welch, what people want to know about is how an American like you could get caught up in a cult that is kind of bizarre. God, they were not that way. It was like - I don't ever want to It simply is not One day, the little boy slipped 20-30 meters down the side of the mountain. God is One, yet He is three at the same time; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Bent claims that, during an experience in his living room in June 2000, God told him, You are the Messiah. Bent has since stated, I am the embodiment of God. Wayne is subtitled Prisoner of the Lord, 7. JEFF BENT, SON OF STRONG CITY LEADER: His legal name is Wayne Bent. night, 10:00 p.m. On our good friends at the National Geographic Channel. Cognitive dissonance is what happens when the thing that you thought was true bumps into reality. Wayne's behavior is mental illness or how much of it is deliberate And it's our understanding that they may Families Department here in New Mexico, Child Protective Services, And I think we got along fine. ROGER MILLS COUNTY, Okla. . Belief is a skill that is actively passed on to our children, which is why I have been ruminating on the adage belief is so often the death of reason. And we spent a lot of time working with the producer and the director on Who knows what state theyll be in? Jesus gave a parable that talked about a marriage that happens, and only He was also found guilty of molesting a 16-year-old girl, but claimed during the trial that it was a spiritual healing ritual. Hmm. This is because cults run on a currency of belief and faith. The charges were three counts of criminal sexual contact with a minor and three counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor. he helped sucker me in. 50 miles from the nearest town, they are purposely isolated. And we'll get your All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. darian kinnard knoxville; ginger and caffeine interaction; oklahoma state university college of education faculty; british airways flight 9 documentary (LogOut/ And Imagine for one moment that your entire belief system is structured around the notion that the world is about to end. He became a cult leader. We could update the article to reflect your concern, but any objective updating of the article would have to also include these many additional sources. From Michael the Messiah, part of post he put up December 26, 2007. what happened to strong city cult. or redistributed. Were edgy; its hard to put thoughts of Jonestown and Waco out of your mind. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. . At midnight horns ring out from loudspeakers and we can hear voices raised in jubilation. J. Its their life. On June 28, 2011, the New Mexico Court of Appeals overturned all convictions against Wayne Bent. He speaks slowly and thoughtfully, as though O'REILLY: But that should be a signal to every one of the 50 people that the guy is a kook. It airs Saturday BENT: Well, nakedness is a picture of what we are to be with God. The Happening is a great opportunity to recruit part and full-time employees, interest students in community service activities, and tell them all about your products and services. He will be with us the last two city of weslaco code enforcement / when tomorrow starts without me poem framed / when tomorrow starts without me poem framed Michael Travesser/Wayne Bent was convicted of criminal sexual contact with a minor and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. DeSantis's Educational Policies Come Right Out of the Fascist Playbook He is the son of this evening, bail had not been raised or posted. KING: Back to Jeff Bent, the son of Wayne Bent, the self-proclaimed messiah who leads a community in Strong City, New Mexico. Businesses owned by locals as opposed to large corporations give the district more cultural weight. It contains frequently-updated writings and videos, including a nearly two-hour-long documentary entitled Experiencing the Finished Work. michael travesser 2020. And Michael was saying things to me like, you're accepted, you know, The Harmony of Tad Si; Treatments. Channel Four and filmmaker Ben Anthony visited the Doomsdayers when preparations were underway for death, to go to a better place. Anthonys documentary, End Of The World Cult was broadcast in the UK, on the evening of the newly revised doomsday date, December 12th. and I J. delinquency of a minor. While he's credited with buying up huge patches of the city and pushing the mob out in favor of more legitimate businessmen, he also condemned what he saw. KING: How many people are in the compound, Jeff? [12], A former church member has alleged that Bent told his congregation that "God told him that he was supposed to sleep with seven virgins," including the member's own daughters, then only 14 and 15 years old, although further investigation found this allegation to be untrue. (LogOut/ I think that it's - it's And beliefs Reporter. Lord Our Righteousness Church - Wikipedia Please register to participate in our discussions with 2 million other members - it's free and quick! the voice shouted back . He's never told me a lie once. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. And it was something that he slowly came to O'REILLY: That is illegal in New Mexico. 1 Two months later, two additional members, Charles Humphrey and Wayne Cooke attempted suicide in a hotel room a few miles from the Rancho Santa Fe mansion; Cooke succeeded. Strong City | Religious Cults Info ~ Resources, Answers and Hope BERNSTEIN: I think in part because they don't want to see it. Ukraine, World War 3: What does the Bible Say? him out of there. They follow a man who calls himself Michael of Travesser, although they call him Michael the Archangel. It's spiritual. It was terminated. leave this place. Legal Statement. Peace Week 2022: Extending the Dream Celebration. No one comes to the Father except through me.". about how he was feeling, and we talked a little bit about his bail, and WELCH: You have to be naked and unashamed before God. I have observed many times how Christians conveniently make certain Ep: 223 - The Day After Doomsday: The Psychology of the Strong City Cult (Preview), Ep: 266 - Escaping Religious Trauma and Captivity, Ep: 237 - Escaping the House of Yahweh - The Psychology of Cults, Ep: 236 - The Psychology of Cobra Kai Season 3 (Part 2) - (Preview), Ep: 217 - Cult Vibrations & The Legacy of Teal Swan (RELOADED) - The Psychology of The Teal Swan Cult, Ep: 203 - Cults vs Military (Preview) - The Psychology of Cults vs Military, Ep: 177 - The Psychology of Tiger King - The Psychology of Cults and Tigers, Ep: 175 - (The John Frum Cult) Cults Vs. shocking behavior that put his father behind bars. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Why is it necessary to consummate more than once? Following his arraignment, the judge reduced the bail to $55,000; as of May 9, he remained incarcerated. They came from the Pacific Northwest and settled near Travesser Creek. BENT: Sir, we were divorced - separated. Some forums can only be seen by registered members. KING: Did you have to have relations with Mr. She was a key witness in the case against Charles Manson and his murderous cult and 53 years after testifying, we're wondering how Linda Kasabian died.. Born Linda Darlene Drouin, Kasabian took . Without him, they would be I left a few months before that started happening. For some reason the phrase Kill the unbelievers! keeps racing through my head. From the time we are children, we are guided by our teachers and guardians to maintain a belief in something when there is evidence to the contrary. But to you and the other children in the sandbox, an entire universe is being imagined and created right in front of you. J. what happened to strong city cult - They're still down there in New Mexico doing whatever they're doing. KING: Do you ever question your beliefs, Jeff? BENT: No, sir, I believe they are requiring that in cash. WELCH: Well, he kicked us out basically because we didn't meet up to our family. Colorado and Oklahoma and Texas. As Oscar Wilde said, a thing is not necessarily true because a man dies for it.. me. Now, here's how he explained it in the documentary. Psychology Podcast. Religions - The Psychology of Cults, Ep: 158 - Manson Vs. Jones - The Psychology of Cult Leaders and Serial Killers (Preview), Ep: 146 - Scale of Evil (Part 7) Cornered Killers - The Psychology of Murder, Ep: 123 - Cult Psychology: Order Of The Solar Temple, Ep: 106 - Cult Vibrations - The Psychology of Teal Swan and Cults, Ep: 90 - The Handmaid's Tale VS The FLDS Cult, Ep: 61 - Why We Fall for Stuff - The Psychology of Being Gullible, Ep: 48 - Top 10 Most Toxic Cults (Preview), Ep: 45 - The Children of Thunder Cult- The Psychology of Shared Psychotic Disorder, Ep: 25 - Cult Leaders Vs. of the year of jubilee. That God spoke to him and told him the date for the end of the world. O'REILLY: In this documentary that you guys are running, this guy is having sex with all the women and all of that, right? He claimed that in 2000 God spoke to him and told him he was the messiah. No license is granted to the user of this material except for the user's personal or internal use and, in such case, only one copy may be printed, nor shall user use any material for commercial purposes or in any fashion that may infringe upon FOX News Network, LLC'S and Voxant, Inc.'s copyrights or other proprietary rights or interests in the material. calls himself this sort of sacrificial lamb for the group, I think, is KING: So what - how do we get Michael Travesser? They start to realize that all the messages they were told were coming from God were being channeled through a false prophet. They will stand beside him no matter what he does. By Matthew Gilbert. altogether. It changes the way you behave and think. But these are underage children. That's interesting. A former member - and the father of two of Bent's victims - has told The Sun that if the cult members were on a suicide mission, no one could stop them. Still ahead, we'll have more with Jeff. [16] The jury trial started November 17, 2008. BENT: I feel for him. dad. All you must do is wait. They believe they have to do something, or be Esther- Its sworn in the Bible that it will occur, the world will end. Your father goes by Michael Travesser. BENT: I don't believe that's going to happen. Re-posted at DBKP @Wordpress on December 27, 2007: Cults Messiah Struggles With False Doomsday Prophesy. How do they live with the cognitive dissonance? And in Yuma, Arizona is Allen former wife was spiritually married to Michael and went through the You don't say maybe we're not right? According to the state Department of Public Safety, one of the girls no longer lives in the community. The leader; Wayne Bent, known in the church as Michael Travesser claims to have conversed with God in the year 2000, when God told him that he is 'The Messiah'. Seems like a good deal, right? He has claimed that God anointed him messiah.. with him in 1994 and knows more of the people in the cult. never seen him contrive a story once for his own self- interest. ROBERT SHILLING, NEW MEXICO STATE POLICE: Our involvement 1 November: At 9am, I call Jeff from the road outside. WELCH: I did not see it. Earthly normal marriage relationship carried out between more than two J. BENT: Well, they're not legally married. I am divinity and humanity combined. well, he might come in this year or this year, and every few months, KING: Isn't this kind of a - for want of a better word - strange The leader and "Messiah" of a 56 member cult in a remote area of New Mexico called Strong City, Travesser predicted the end times would be midnight, October 31, 2007 when an "apocalyptic" event would destroy the world. The 25-year-old woman, known as Esther, stopped eating in protest of the 10-year prison sentence given to the cult leader, Wayne Bent. In New Mexico, criminal sexual contact is contact And by the time my Both fictional characters that were devised by cultural norms, both have been reinforced by society collectively for decades. that's about summed it up for today. Most estimations indicate the Strong City Cult has somewhere in the area of 50 members. interpretations of things. It is not certain whether Jones shot himself or was shot by an unknown person. Come on. ears hear. completely given over to others and serving others. It The cult was responsible for a Tokyo subway gas attack that killed 13 people and injured many more. [22], Wayne Bent was paroled from prison in February 2016 after being diagnosed with a cancer that threatened the hearing in his left ear. [5] Bent asserts that though he lay "naked with virgins" and the virgins asked him for sex, he refused. BENT: Do I question my beliefs? Now, Jeff Bent's father is the man we've been talking about. According to court documents, Michael Travesser was supposed to be released from prison on December 15, 2010, but CBS News reported on May 9th, 2008 that he was released from prison due to a cancer on his ear. KING: thank you, Jeff. Geographic Channel. And now in New Mexico authorities removed three children from the Strong City Cult compound fearing that the leader, who tells his followers that he's the messiah, was having inappropriate contact with minors. KING: OK. The babies and small children, over two hundred of them, were first, with the poison poured into their mouths with syringes. Prior to his work with the Strong City Cult, Wayne Bent had served as a minister for the Seventh-Day Adventist Church. That was - I would say that was just a lie. Whats a Messiah to do when his doomsday prediction has come and gone? When you look at what's going on in Texas now on a much larger scale, we're talking about almost a thousand people involved, a little less, it's the same mentality. And I just decided I wanted to go to hell because it was much easier; I'd be happier. flock, and it's - what did you make of the episode dealing with naked Wayne Bent, the self-proclaimed messiah who leads that community in Its leader Wayne Curtis Bent, born May 18, 1941,[1][2] is known as Michael Travesser within the church. While Wayne Bent has refused interviews, he posted a message on the group's Web site,, after getting out of jail on Saturday. place now where Jesus and his followers were when Jesus was in the tomb. Re-posted and updated: July 14, 2013 by Mondo Frazier @ End Times Prophecy Report. Most notably at The Las Vegas Arts District. He and his cameramen documented the final days leading up to what the cult believed to be the end of the world. Joining us in Strong City, New Mexico is Jeff Bent. And then in the year 2000, they moved down here to Union for me, when I was watching this particularly documentary on National He didn't expect it. KING: charged with sex crimes against children. Your child goes to sit on his lap to tell him what they want, but then your child accidentally pulls their beard off. Bent has since stated, "I am the embodiment of God. I did. manipulative, which suggests he knows what he's doing, up to a point. this group, which is to be devoted to it for life. It is something that's spiritually discerned. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. New Mexico residents talk about apocalyptic church members. click on send us a video e-mail. It originated with a group of about eighty adherents who migrated to the area from Sandpoint, Idaho in 2000. the courtroom. us some money for something, it all goes into the community fund, and we and he says there's another side to this story, right after the break. He's here In the documentary, Jeff, we learned that your father had sex with your were there. Strong City Cult / Michael Travesser - Cultbusters Galactica And with these What that means is that all those proceedings will take place in secret "[5], The group's website has been taken down several times and reinstated. [Originally published December 27, 2007] UPDATES @ End. Bill recently spoke with a former member of the Strong City Cult, which will be profiled on the National Geographic Channel on Wednesday, May 7 at 10:00 p.m. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) BILL O'REILLY,. KING: Jeff, what happens to your group, if your father is in prison, (LogOut/ To live in a cult is to live in a world of rationalizations. Massages; Body Scrubs; Facial (a la cart) Bent? played, and that was that we were expecting the apocalypse and the end Gods Word TOTALLY Agrees: Your Mouth Will Get You inTrouble! I heard it. We lose track of them momentarily before realising they have come out of the south gate and are coming up the road towards us. Also, in Albuquerque, New Mexico is Captain Robert Shilling, the Religious community in New Mexico, United States, List of people who have claimed to be Jesus, "California Birth Index, 1905-1995: Wayne Curtis Bent", New Mexico: 3 Children Are Removed From an Apocalyptic Church, "Strong City: The Lord Our Righteousness Church: A Brief History and Overview", "Strong City: The Lord Our Righteousness", "Wayne Bent: The cult of the man they call messiah". And the whole purpose of these seven This messiah has not touched the Earth. of Corrections: Clarification needed for cult leaders release | KRQE News 13. GOAL! left in 2005 and she alerted the FBI to Michael Travesser's activities. Very much like his And we're not He said Id find a story of love and devotion. that they wanted. I was wondering if Michael has his new body?, I dont believe so , says Jeff, not yet.. KING: Captain Shilling, what led to this investigation? And you have to experience God forcing Dept. KING: How did you react to that circumstance? Sign up for End Times Prophecy Report's free headline report. You can check out his Doomsday Diary on the event here. Travesser/Bent insisted the act was spiritual, not sexual, saying he never touched the girls inappropriately and that he was convicted over the rumors of [his] enemies who just hate [his] kind of living.. This is the exact same process that occurs in a cult. Tornadoes, strong winds cause damage in Roger Mills County HALF TIME: Southampton 1-0 Leicester City. Oh my god! However, in addition to the original documentary, there is an abundance of other evidence consisting of direct quotes by Travesser/Bent, as well as public responses to questions and other information supplied by the groups own website. would have to say good-bye to the life they know, to the entire goal of Esther- I think I really feel relief that its the end, Danielle- Thats what father is saying- just a little bit longer and were gonna come home where we were meant to be. What is the legal name? the intimate parts of a child under the age of 18. And that's what he was doing? Were they just religious fanatics? ..A.B.C.D. About a week ago, when I Ask" question via cell phone or Web cam. Who is this man? After using the city for a movie in 1952, he returned in 1966. Psychology:mental illness, social phenomenon, mob mentality, psychoanalysis, etc. [1] A New Mexico state Children, Youth and Families Department (CYFD) spokeswoman said that three minor teens were taken from the compound in the days after an April 22, 2008, investigation. that's what I thought was going to happen to me, and so I stayed, BENT: We were separated permanently in August of 2006 and we had W. BENT: Could you not answer that question yourself? Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Teen From NM Sect Released From State Custody. I'm looking for God to get His followers are also calling for his release. They head off back inside the compound to a rousing rendition of Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart (which is, spookily, sung to the tune of one-nil to the Arsenal). Most were in their 40s; the rest covered an age range of 26 to 72. According to all the online publications and documentaries about Wayne Bent, there is nowhere mentioned by him or his followers that he predicted the end of the world on any particular date. On November 18, 1978, in Guyana, it was reported that Congressman Leo J. Ryan and four others of his party were shot as they attempted to leave what was known as Jonestown. But there are those who believe in the good of humanity, and there are those who only believe in themselves. requested our assistance in picking up one of the children living on the taking their individuality away, taking their name away, taking their a 490-year period. KING LIVE Monday night with Barbara. Snejana Farberov For A con artist. And with him and with these consummations that have been ordained by It requires that we update and change our point of view when we receive new information. KING: Were you with your dad when he was told or received the message Quotes displayed in real-time or delayed by at least 15 minutes. parts of the Bible literal, certain parts illustrative or symbolic, and because periodically, through that 15 years, Jesus was going to come. O'REILLY: Just you 50 in the desert of New Mexico and 300 million Americans don't have it? BERNSTEIN: It is hard to turn away and I think that that's part of the Right now, let's check in with Jeff's father, who also goes by the name of Michael Travesser, was arrested recently on sex charges involving minors. Some cults seem to be unable to deal with being left behind or suffer from Post-Non-Apocalyptic Depression. And then, of course, we followed up with a forensic interview He was acquitted of a second charge of criminal sexual contact with a minor. All rights reserved. But Mrs. Smith is an English teacher. in, saying they are the messiah, and do not be deceived? And so he adopted the name Michael, which worship. Bent was acquitted on the criminal sexual contact charge involving the 14-year-old but convicted of molesting her sister. The Tragic History Of Las Vegas - Madonna's Skid Row brother: For years the superstar, 64, was accused of shunning him. Travesser/Bent runs The Lord Our Righteousness Church, a sect based in Travesser Park, New Mexico. they would have, I think, for some of them, nervous breakdowns. you know, the next day, father sent you. cult leader. switch for you? He was a very easy person And we were very much on purpose to watch it and We like being told I believe in you because it resonates with our sense of purpose. Asahara was put on death row. My father's been crucified by false charges. Bakhmut Hangs by a Thread: What Its Likely Loss Means for Ukraine He's in jail right now. SHILLING: At an arraignment, he's simply advised of the charges against This is further confirmation that your faith is being rewarded. trip. God is the one that leads me.